Senin, 10 September 2012

Characters Mathematical Logical Thinking for Teen

ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ سَبۡعَ سَمَـٰوَٲتٍ۬ طِبَاقً۬اۖ مَّا تَرَىٰ فِى خَلۡقِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ مِن تَفَـٰوُتٍ۬ۖ فَٱرۡجِعِ ٱلۡبَصَرَ هَلۡ تَرَىٰ مِن فُطُورٍ۬ (٣)

Who hath created seven heavens in harmony. Thou (Muhammad) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One's creation; then look again: Canst thou see any rifts?  Al Mulk :(3)

In this life we ​​can escape to should think logical, logical thinking we can understand the fact that reality .Than  mathematical ability will lead us to have the skills to calculate a consequence logic but  true mathematical or arithmetical learned about many years from kindergarten through College graduates have made us able to think and be ready to accept the fact that logical thinking and able to account for any of his actions in a responsible manner. Even the phenomenon of many countries finance projects that its results can not be measured and accountable without even planning. So throw away the opportunity to improve the quality of life of the nation. As a sign that the weak ability of most of the character of the people of this nation to have the ability to think logically mathematics In  simple logic that "can not be measured and calculated results are what can be managed". Though the students are learning math with a highly sophisticated method ...!

Mathematics should not be understood merely a matter of numbers and count the exact mechanistic mathematical calculative but a arithmetic is the language used to describe the relationship between the various project events and times are represented by the symbol / symbols that have meaning and philosophical significance. Supposedly when children learn math competency standards that could be determined conceptual thinking. Skilled and able to solve the problem. means a person who understands the concept will be skilled in operating a variety of symbolic computation. But the reality of many children who memorized multiplication, counting hundreds of thousands, but in simple applications their daily life difficult.

Basic Competency

1. Children who have a logical mathematical skill  should be able to understand the concept of spatial language. But in fact the child has difficulty coping with the demands of the environment and the future do not understand the true meaning because logically a spatial concept. Some examples experienced by adolescents lack of logical thinking .... "if will be  away the future is still to be lived so should be taken with a persistent struggle in the near future to learn more industrious ... but today teens have never thought that far ahead that occurred they are just having fun with the moment and his lusts with what is close around him.

"If the goal was his high ideals top  and great  early achievements they should dare to forge ourselves when learning should be easily dominated, at least enhanced ability to achieve mastery on the higher difficulties. But many teens who neglect and underestimate because it was considered too low to be ruled ... if that is not controlled by how low it will likely have a higher ".

2. Children have an understanding of the concept of time. but the fact that the youth and our society that have contaminated the lives of hedonistic, consumerist prefer the instant way to achieve his goals even with a way that is not logical and not able to be  responsibility .Until  not uncommon much going plagiarism right  work of academics, leaked matter and unethical actions to enrich themselves is proof that they are learning math for many years live with  illogical in his life .. "If science can only be achieved by learning them then they should undergo the process of learning patience in waiting until the appropriate time to pass, because of a degree or graduation is disabling decency ... what about phenomena in Indonesia ......?

3. Children can understand the value of the place. In the social psychological phenomenon our society can not put itself in terms of his role function of each status, see if officials should use their authority for the welfare of the people, but they happened arbitrary use their office for personal gain and organizations that corruption is endless, Demonstration s of  people demanding their rights are daily news. If all people do not understand each station of his will be broken this national life ethic . Student  increasingly aware that where students are learning, teachers never knew that place teachers as educators ... etc.. Placing themselves in accordance with their respective roles satus to function as it should optimally is the duty of every human being who must be responsibility and accountable before God and at the same logical mathematical proof of the success of mastery.

4. Children can understand the concept of quantity. In day to day life of our society can not survive logical / realistic in social  life. Take for example the news would still listen fooled the tens of hundreds of millions because they want to enter into civil or won a tender for the project. A child whose parents or otherwise compel parents to attend their children school  Favorites / either public or private for reasons of prestige but for those who do not have to spend a little. . Worse still many people in debt and the Hajj to sell anything or sacrifice a number of important aspects to pursue officer positions for the seat .... ironic phenomenon understood as a failure of mathematical concepts.

Hopefully people learn mathematics more logical and more able to calculate a logical consequence, how about you .....?

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